Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hoar Frost on Trees, Winterscape

Talking with my mother in Timmins, Ontario this morning and she tells me snow is on the way overnight.  This starts my season of 'homesickness'.  Love the winters in the north and the winters when I grew up. 

There was much preparation for winter in the North when I was young; but the wonder and beauty of the primeaval surroundings made it worth while for many I am sure. I speak of winter preparations in part of my other blog; but here I would like to share with you the spectacle that makes me 'homesick'; even this late in my life. 

If one is an early riser in Northern Ontario one can often enjoy the quiet beauty of a frosty mornings in all their glory.  This painting remembers hoar frost as it glistens and dances on trees along the shore of Kamiskotia Lake near Timmins, Ontario.  As sunlight bathes the trees one is treated to a 'dance of diamonds' with golds, reds, yellow and blues!  Truly one of the wondrous moments of a Northern Ontario winter. 

Just one of the types of frost in the north country; there is of course the ground frost or 'permafrost' that penetrates deep into the ground. 

Just wanted to share this moment of silent wonder with you.

This blog is linked to my other blog where I speak of winter prepations of years past: - turningpointsandidentities

1 comment:

  1. we had frost here this morning everything was covered in white and the fallen leaves were all crisp a marvellous morning to be alive and able to run.
